
The following section will:

  • encourage you to discuss why a multidisciplinary approach is important for your project.
  • examine what you each bring to the collaboration, as well as the limitations of your discipline.
  • prepare you for some of the obstacles you may face in an interdisciplinary project.

Task 1

Designer(s): Describe to your partner what materials scientists do and explain why you need to collaborate with them for the project you have in mind.

Materials Scientist(s): Describe to your partner what designers do and explain what you hope to get out of this collaboration.

Task 2

Watch this introductory video about the LTM project.


Introductory video

Task 3

Separately write down: (a) the three main objectives of your collaboration, (b) the three biggest dangers you foresee and (c) what would make this project a success for you. Compare notes and discuss.